John Goolsby is Closing Keynote at Wedding MBA Convention

I have had the honor of speaking at wedding industry conventions and conferences more than 200 times. This particular convention is extra special because of all the great content and the nearly 3000 wedding professionals who attend.

John Goolsby of Godfather Films shares his top take aways from Wedding MBA 2015 during his closing keynote speech.

There were over 100 seminars presented at the Las Vegas Convention Center by the best and brightest wedding business coaches.

Attendees took dozens of pages in notes and made plans to implement lots of changes in their businesses. Maybe more than they could possibly handle. The purpose of this highlight reel is to highlight key changes to make in your business right away and to educate those who could not make it as to just how fabulous this convention really is.

Don’t wait! Sign up for the 2016 Wedding MBA Convention right now at